Global training solutions for engineers creating the world's electronics

January Workshop: Using Vision-based Applications with Kria

January 2023|Event

Doulos is pleased to announce this online workshop in collaboration with Technically Speaking, Faster Technology, Core-Vision & AMD Xilinx. This workshop will help you learn about the Kria™ System-on-Module (SOM) and Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit from AMD Xilinx.

The emphasis of this workshop is on:
▪ Providing an overview of the Kria K26 SOM and its advantages
▪ Providing an overview of the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit and how to get started with the kit
▪ Running accelerated applications, such as the Smart Camera, AI Box, and Defect Detection applications, using the kit
▪ Running the NLP SmartVision demo application using the kit
▪ Building the hardware and software design components from scratch
▪ Customizing the AI models used in the applications
▪ Reviewing the design guidelines for developers to design their own carrier card.

With thanks to AMD Xilinx for sponsoring this workshop it is available to attend FREE OF CHARGE.