Class Times
Classes are normally run in training room LC5 between 9am and 5pm
Address of Xilinx Training Venue
Please use visitor car parking in front of Building 4 and register with security at least 10 minutes before the course start time.
Directions from San Jose Airport
- Take Airport Blvd to Coleman Ave signal light.
- Turn left and stay in RIGHT HAND LANE.
- Enter freeway 880 South (to the right).
- Take 85 South to Gilroy.
- Exit Union Avenue. Turn LEFT at stop light.
- Turn LEFT at Union Avenue
- Turn LEFT at Logic Drive
Directions from San Francisco Airport
- Take 101 south (San Jose)
- Take Hwy 85 South (Gilroy)
- Exit Union Avenue. Turn LEFT at stop light.
- Turn LEFT at Union Avenue
- Turn LEFT at Logic Drive
Alternative route from San Francisco Airport
- Take 101 North (San Francisco)
- Take 380 junction (San Jose)
- Exit 280 South to San Jose
- Take Hwy 85 South (Gilroy)
- Exit Union Avenue. Turn LEFT at stop light.
- Turn LEFT at Union Avenue
- Turn LEFT at Logic Drive
Hotel Information
For your convenience here is a list (in no particular order) of hotels in the vicinity. Please don't forget to request the Xilinx rate at the time of booking.
- Pruneyard Inn ( 2.5 miles, 5 min), 408-559-4300
- Toll House (5.0 miles, 10 min), 408-395-7070
- Campbell Inn (2.6 miles, 6 min), 408-374-4300
- Carlyle Hotel (1.6 miles, 3 min), 408-559-3600
- Los Gatos Lodge (3.3 miles, 7 min), 408-354-3300
- Larkspur Landing - Campbell (3.8 miles. 11 min), 408-364-1514