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C++ Self-Assessment Test

Do you know enough C to attend C++ Programming for Embedded Systems or C++ Programming for Embedded Systems Online?

You need to be able to write C programs using functions, variables, typedefs, operators, and statements. You need to be fluent in the use of the control flow statements if-else, switch, for, and while. You need to be familiar with the bitwise operators ~ & | ^. You need to feel very comfortable using structs and pointers. You need to be very sure of the difference between pointers (*) and addresses (&).

Ask yourself whether you could write a C program to do the following:

  1. Read in a series of lower-case characters one at a time from the keyboard.
  2. If the character is 'h', display the string Hello World in the terminal window.
  3. If the character is 'g', display the string Goodbye World in the terminal window.
  4. If the character is 'x', display the string Hello World 10 times using a loop, displaying the value of the loop index 1 to 10 as well as the string
  5. If the character is 'e', exit the program, but only after displaying the values of all the characters read from the keyboard, in the correct order, by storing each character, as it is read from the keyboard, in a linked list that is coded using C structs and pointers.
  6. If the character is anything else, do nothing except read the next character.

Step 5 is the most tricky and the most important!

You will be expected to be able to write C programs such as this, without help from the instructor, when you arrive on the first day of C++ Programming for Embedded Systems.

As well as knowing C, delegates should have a basic understanding of embedded systems, microcontroller architecture, and how to read a datasheet. If you are still unsure whether you meet the pre-requisites, please contact Doulos to discuss.