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The following code fragments may be downloaded for use by readers of the Doulos SystemVerilog Golden Reference Guide. You may freely use them in your projects subject to the Apache 2.0 License both privately and commercially. Please do not publish or re-distribute to others except by recommending they get a copy of our SystemVerilog Golden Reference Guide. If you wish to use some fragment in a presentation or article you are writing, please request permission from Doulos.
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// Reverse the bits of bi-directional ports module ReverseBits (inout [7:0] A, B); alias A = {B[0],B[1],B[2],B[3],B[4],B[5],B[6],B[7]}; endmodule
// C is implicitly declared as an 1-bit wire wire [8:0] word9; wire [7:0] word; alias word9 = {word, C};
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always @(A or B or C or D) // Equiv. to @(*), @*, or @(A, B, C, D) begin R = {A, B, C, D}; F = 0; for (int I = 0; I < 4; I = I + 1) if (R[I]) begin F = I; break; end end
always_comb A = B & C; always_comb A <= #10ns B & C;
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always_ff @(posedge Clk iff Reset == 0 or posedge Reset) begin ... end always_ff @(posedge Clock iff nReset or negedge nReset) begin if (~nReset) // Asynchronous reset Count <= 0; else if (~Load) // Synchronous load Count <= Data; else Count <= Count + 1; end always_ff @(edge Clk, posedge Reset) // Daul Data Rate (DDR) begin // clock on both edges ... end always_ff @(Clk, posedge Reset) // Alternative DDR coding style begin ... end
always_latch if (Enable) Q <= D;
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wire [7:0] A [0:15][0:15], B[0:15][0:15]; // Two 16x16 array of bytes A[0][1][2] = B[1][2][3]; // Bit-select A = B; logic [15:0] Array1; logic [7:0] Array2; Array2 = Array1[8:1]; // Part-select int A [7:0]; int B [31:0]; assign A = B[7:0]; // B[7:0] is also an unpacked aray
// Reading and writing a variable slice of the array A[x+:c] = B[y+:c]; // c must be constant
// Multiple packed dimensions defined in stages using typedef typedef bit [0:7] B8; B8 [0:15] B8_16; // [0:7] varies most rapidly
// Multiple unpacked dimensions defined in stages using typedef typedef B8 Mem[0:3]; // Array of four B8 elements Mem Mem8[0:7]; // Array of 8 Mem elements
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byte b[] = '{1, 3, 2}; byte s, r[$]; r = b.find(x) with (x > 2); // r = {3} r = b.find with (item == item.index);// find all items equal to their // index, i.e. {2} r = b.min; // r = 1 b.reverse; // b = '{2, 3, 1} b.sort; // b = '{1, 2, 3} s = b.sum with (item + 4); // s = 18 (i.e. 5 + 7 + 6) s = b.xor; // s = 0 (i.e. 1 ^ 3 ^ 2)
// Find all items in Ar1 that are greater than corresponding item in Ar2 int Ar1[3:0][3:0], Ar2[3:0][3:0]; int r[$]; r = Ar1.find(x) with (x > Ar2[x.index(1)][x.index(2)]);
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always @(posedge clk) assert (State != Illegal_State) else $error ("Illegal state reached"); initial begin assert (A == B); assert (C && D) $display("OK - C and D are both true"); assert (E) else $warning("E is NOT true"); end
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//Continuous assignment wire cout, cin; wire [31:0] sum, a, b; assign {cout, sum} = a + b + cin;
// Procedural continuous assignment (Deprecated!) always @(posedge Clock) Count = Count + 1; always @(Reset) // Asynchronous Reset if (Reset) assign Count = 0; // Prevents counting, until Reset goes low else deassign Count; // Resume counting on next posedge Clock
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// Create an array of integer, indexed by string integer CountWords [string]; CountWords["one"]++; $display("There are %0d different words", CountWords.num); CountWords.delete("one"); // Deletes the "one" entry CountWords.delete; // Clears the entire array
// Create an array of string, indexed by integers string Table [*]; Table = '{0:"Zero", 1:"One", 2:"Two", default:"None"}; $display("%s %s", Table[0], Table[3]); // Displays "Zero None"
(*synthesis, parallel_case *) casez (Opcode) 4'b??01 : action1; 4'b1?0? : action2; ...
// Attribute attached to an operator A = B + (* mode = "cla" *) C;
// Attribute attached to a function call A = add (* mode = "cla" *) (B, C);
// Attribute attached to a conditional operator A = B ? (* no_glitch *) C : D;
// Attribute attached to an interface (*interface_att = 10*) interface Int1 ... endinterface
// Attribute attached to a module definition (* optimize_power *) module M1 (...);
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initial begin Load = 0; // Time 0 Enable = 0; Reset = 0; #10 Reset = 1; // Time 10 #25 Enable = 1; // Time 35 #100 Load = 1; // Time 135 end initial begin : AssignInputs for (int I = 0; I < 8; I = I + 1) #Period {A, B, C} = I; end : AssignInputs
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// Binding a module to a module and a module instance module Test (input bit[7:0] Addr, Data); ... endmodule module CheckAddr (input bit[7:0] Addr, Max); A1: assert property (Addr <= Max) else $error("Address is out of range"); endmodule module RAM (input bit[7:0] Addr, Data, ...); ... endmodule module TestRAM; ... RAM RAM_inst (Addr, Data, ...); endmodule // Binds an instance of the module Test to the testbench bind TestRAM Test Test_inst(Addr, Data); // Binds an instance of the module CheckAddr to the RAM instance bind TestRAM.RAM_inst CheckAddr CA_inst(Addr, Data); // Alternative syntax for the above bind RAM: RAM_inst CheckAddr CA_inst(Addr, Data);
typedef struct { bit A; real B; } A_Struct; A_Struct X, Y, Z, Q; bind + function A_Struct fadds(A_Struct, A_Struct); bind + function A_Struct faddr(A_Struct, real); bind + function A_Struct faddi(A_Struct, int); assign Q = X + 2.0; // Equivalent to Q = faddr (X, 2.0) assign Y = X + 5; // Equivalent to Y = faddi (X, 5) always @(posedge clk) Z += X; // Equivalent to Z = Z + X, // i.e. Z = fadds (Z, X)
case (Address) 0 : A <= 1; // Select a single Address value 1 : begin // Execute more than one statement A <= 1; B <= 1; end 2, 3, 4 : C <= 1; // Pick out several Address values default : // Mop up the rest $display("Illegal Address value %h in %m at %t", Address, $realtime); endcase
casez ({A, B, C, D, E[3:0]}) 8'b1??????? : Op <= 2'b00; 8'b010????? : Op <= 2'b01; 8'b001???00 : Op <= 2'b10; default : Op <= 2'bxx; endcase
// Pattern-matching case statement typedef union tagged { void Invalid; int Valid; } VInt; ... VInt v; ... case (v) matches tagged Invalid : $display ("v is Invalid"); tagged Valid .n : $display ("v is Valid with value %d", n); endcase
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typedef struct { bit A; union packed {int i; bit[31:0] f;} B; } Struct1; typedef bit [$bits(Struct1) - 1 : 0] C_Type; Struct1 S[7:0]; // Unpacked array of structures C_Type C = C_Type'(S[1]); // Convert structure to array of bits S[2] = Struct1'(C); // Convert array of bits back to structure
// Standard C functions imported in SystemVerilog: import "DPI-C" function chandle malloc(int size); import "DPI-C" function void free(chandle ptr);
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// Class definition class Register; // Properties logic [7:0] data; // Methods function new (logic[7:0] d = 0); // Constructor data = d; endfunction task load (logic[7:0] d); data = d; endtask endclass
// Using the Register class Register accum; // accum stores a handle to an object of class Register accum = new; // Create a new Register object; its handle is in accum Register accum1 = new; // Alternative Register accum2 = new(8'hff); // Initialize Register accum3[10]; foreach (accum3[i]) accum3[i] = new; // Array of 10 Registers = 8'h1f; // Store value in data member accum.load(8'h1f); // A better way of doing it
// Parameterised classes class Register #(parameter n = 8); logic [n-1:0] data; ... endclass Register #(8) accum8 = new; // 8-bit register Register #(.n(16)) accum16 = new; // 16-bit register class Register #(parameter type T); T data; ... endclass Register #(int) accum8 = new; // int register Register #(bit [7:0]) accum16 = new; // bit[7:0] register
// Derived class class ShiftRegister extends Register; extern task shiftleft(); extern task shiftright(); endclass
// Out of class method definitions task ShiftRegister::shiftleft(); data = data << 1; endtask task ShiftRegister::shiftright(); data = data >> 1; endtask ShiftRegister SR = new; SR.load(8'h55); // Inherited method SR.shiftleft; // data now has 8'aa
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clocking CB1 @(negedge Clk); default input #1ns output #2ns; input Q; output Enable, Data; output #1step UpDn = top.Counter.UpDn; output posedge Load ; endclocking
// Synchronization statements - the events are sampled according to the clock domain timing: @(CB1.Q); // Wait for the next change of Q from CB1 domain @(negedge CB1.Load); // Wait for negative edge of signal CB1.Load @(posedge CB1.Load or negedge CB1.UpDn); @(CB1.Q[1]); // Wait for the next change of bit 1 of CB1.Q @(CB1.Q[2:0]); // Wait for the next change of the specified slice
// Clocking Block Drives CB1.Data[2:0] <= 3'h3; // Drive 3-bit slice of Q in current cycle ##1 CB1.Data <= 4'hz; // Wait 1 Clk cycle and then drive Q ##3 CB1.Data[3] <= 1'b0; // Wait 3 Clk cycles, then drive bit 3 of Q CB1.Data <= ##2 Int_Data; // Remember Int_Data, then drive Data after 2 clocks
//Multiple clocking blocks: interface I1 (input bit clock1); ... endinterface interface I2 (input bit clock2); ... endinterface module tf(I1 A, I2 B); clocking cb1 @(posedge A.clock1); default input #2 output #5; input A.address; output data =; endclocking clocking cb2 @(posedge B.clock2); default input #1 output #1; output start = B.start, size = B.size; endclocking initial begin : Test <= 1; ... end module CtrlMod; default clocking cb1; // Clocking block cb1 set as default // inside CtrlMod module initial begin if ( == 1) ## 10; // Delays execution by 10 cycles using the // default clocking (A.clock1) ... endmodule endmodule
interface ABus(input logic clk); // Interface with modports wire a, b, c, d; logic req, gnt; clocking cb @(posedge clk); input a; output b, c; inout d; property p1; req ##[1:3] gnt; endproperty endclocking modport DUT (input clk, b, c,// DUT modport output a, inout d); modport STB (clocking cb); // Synchronous testbench modport modport TB (input a, // Asynchronous testbench modport output b, c, inout d); endinterface module AMod1(ABus.DUT b); ... endmodule module TB (ABus.STB b1, ABus.STB b2 ); // 2 synchronous ports typedef virtual ABus.STB SYNCTB; task ATask(SYNCTB s); s.cb.a <= 1; endtask ... endmodule module top; logic clk; ABus b1(clk); ABus b2(clk); AMod1 M1(b1); TB Test(b1, b2); ... endmodule
// This is a comment /* So is this - across three lines */ module ALU /* 8-bit ALU */ (A, B, Opcode, F);
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bit b; function void AFunc; int b; b = $unit::b; // $unit::b is the one outside endfunction
module Top(...); ... Acc U1(...); Acc U2(...); ... module Acc(...); ... Adder A1(...); Adder A2(...); ... config MyConfig; // Simple config design MyDesign.Top; default liblist MyDesign; instance Top.U2 use MyGates.Acc; endconfig config MyConfig1; // Hierarchical config - method 1 design MyDesign.Top; instance Top.U2.A1 use MyLib.Adder; endconfig config MyConfig2; // Hierarchical config - method 2 design MyDesign.Top; instance Top.U2.A1 use MyLib.Adder; instance Top.U1.A2 use MyGates.CarrySelectAdder : config; endconfig config CarrySelectAdder; design MyGates.CarrySelectAdder; ... endconfig
const int A = 1; class MyClass; const int G = 1; // Global constant const int I; // Instance constant function new(int x); I = 10; // Instance constant assigned in constructor. ... endfunction endclass
constraint c1 {a == 4;} constraint c2 {b > 3; c > 10;} constraint valid_parity {parity_ok dist {0:=1, 1:=9};} constraint c3 {size == BIG -> len > 20;} constraint c4 {i inside {1,[2:3]};} // Equiv. to i==1 || i==2 || i==3 constraint c5 {solve b,c before a;} constraint c6 {unique{a,b,c};} // (a != b) && (b != c) && (c != a)
x != 1000; // x can't be 1000 x dist {100 := 1, 1000 := 2, 2000 := 5} // x is equal to 100 // or 2000 with weighted ratio of 1 - 5 x dist {100 := 1, [4:6] :/ 2, 2000 := 5} // x is equal to one of // 100, 4, 5, 6 or 2000 with a weighted // ratio of 1- 2/3 - 2/3 - 2/3 - 5
constraint c7 {soft a[0]==0; soft b[0]==1;} // lower priority randomize() with {soft a[0]==1; b[0]==0;} // higher priority
virtual class Parent; pure constraint C; endclass; class Child extends Parent; int a, b; extern constraint C; // must be overriden endclass constraint Child::C {a > b;} // example of external constraint
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// Covergroup containing options covergroup CG (string Comment) @(posedge clk); option.comment = Comment; // Comment for each instance of CG type_option.strobe = 1; // Sample at the end of the time slot CP1 : coverpoint A { option.auto_bin_max = 8; // Create 8 automatic bins for } // coverpoint CP1 for each instance endgroup
// Setting options and type options procedurally after instantiating a covergroup covergroup CG @(posedge clk); CP1 : coverpoint A; CP2 : coverpoint B; endgroup CG C1 = new; C1.option.comment = "A comment set for the instance C1"; C1.CP1.option.auto_bin_max = 8; // Create 8 automatic bins for // coverpoint CP1 of instance C1 CG::type_option.comment = "A comment set for C1"; CG::CP1::type_option.weight = 10;
// Covergroups in classes class Class1; bit AnEv; endclass class Class2; Class1 C1; // Object of Class1 int Var; bit X; local logic Y,Z; covergroup CG1 @(C1.AnEv); // Sampled on data member of C1 coverpoint Var; endgroup covergroup CG2 (int Arg) @X; // Second covergroup in the same // class, now having arguments option.at_least = Arg; // Sets a coverage option of CG2 coverpoint Y; endgroup function new(int p); CG2 = new(p); C1 = new; // C1 must be instantiated before CG1, because CG1 // uses it CG1 = new; endfunction endclass initial begin Class2 Obj = new(7); end
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//Simple example bit [3:0] X, Y; covergroup CG @(posedge clk); P1: coverpoint X; P2: coverpoint Y; endgroup
// Example showing bins and transitions bit [5:0] V; covergroup CG @(posedge clk); coverpoint V { bins a = {[0:3], 5}; // One bin for these values // of V - 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5 bins b[3] = {[6:11]}; // 3 bins: <6,7>,<8,9>,<10,11> bins c[2] = {[13:17]}; // 2 bins: <13,14>,<15,16,17> bins d[] = {18, 19}; // 2 bins: d[18], d[19] bins e[] = {[20:30], [25:40]}; // Overlapping values - OK bins f = (41 => 43), ([50:52],55=>56,57); // Associates the following sequences with bin f: 41=>43, or 50=>56, // 51=>56, 52=>56, 55=>56, 50=>57, 51=>57, 52=>57, 55=>57 bins h = {[60:$]}; // bin h: values from 60 to 63 ($ is max of V) ignore_bins ig_vals = {18, 19}; // ignores values, even though included in bin d illegal_bins ill_trans = (47 => 48 => 49); // This sequence will produce a run-time eror wildcard bins wb = {5'b11??1}; // 11001 11011 11101 11111 bins others[] = default; // Any value not maching a, b[3], c[2], d[], e[], f, h, wb, etc. } endgroup
// More examples of transitions 1 => 2 // Single value transition: value of coverage point at 2 // successive sample points 1 => 3 => 5 // Sequence of transitions 1,2 => 3, 4 // Set of transitions, equiv. to: 1=>3, 1=>4, 2=>3, 2=>4 2 [* 3] // Consecutive repetition, equiv. to 2=>2=>2 2 [* 2:4] // Range of repetition, equiv. to , 2=>2, 2=>2=>2, 2=>2=>2=>2 2 [-> 3] // Non-consecutive occurrence, equiv. to ...2=>...=>2...=>2 // where ... is any transition that does not contain the value 2 2 [= 3] // Non-consecutive repetition, equiv. to 2=>...=>2...=>2...=>2 // excluding the last transition
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bit [3:0] A, B; covergroup CG1 @(posedge clk); AxB : cross A, B; // Coverpoints are implicitly created for a and b // Each coverpoint has 16 bins, auto[0] to auto[15] // AxB has 16*16 cross products, and each cross product is a bin of AxB BC : coverpoint B + C; // Expression defined as coverpoint AxBC: cross A, BC;// Cross of an implicit coverpoint and an expression endgroup
covergroup CG2 @(posedge clk); CP_A: coverpoint A { bins CP_A1 = {[0:4]}; bins CP_A2 = {[5:8]}; } CP_B: coverpoint B { bins CP_B1 = {[1:5]}; bins CP_B2 = {[7:12]}; } Cr : cross CP_A, CP_B { ignore_bins EB = binsof(CP_A) intersect {5, [1:3]}; illegal_bins IB = binsof(CP_A) intersect {12}; bins Cr1 = ! binsof(CP_A) intersect {[6:9]}; // 2 cross products: <CP_A1, CP_B1>, <CP_A1,CP_B2> bins Cr2 = binsof(CP_A.CP_A2) && binsof(CP_B.CP_B1); // 1 cross product: <CP_A2, CP_B1> } endgroup
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module LayoutDelays; defparam Design.U1.T_f = 2.7; defparam Design.U2.T_f = 3.1; ... endmodule module Design (...); ... and_gate U1 (f, a, b); and_gate U2 (f, a, b); ... endmodule module and_gate (f, a, b); output f; input a, b; parameter T_f = 2; and #(T_f) (f,a,b); endmodule
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and #(5) a1 (out, in1, in2); // Only one delay bufif0 #(1,2,3) b1 (out, in, ctrl); // Rise, fall and turn-off // delays not #5ns n1 (ndata, data); bufif1 #(1:2:3, 4:6:8, 5:10:12) b2 (io2, io1, dir);
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// Using disable to break a loop externally: initial begin : Clockgen Clock = 0; forever #(Period/2) Clock = ~Clock; end : Clockgen initial begin : Stimulus ... disable Clockgen; end : Stimulus // Stops the clock
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// Using disable fork to terminate spawned processes. initial fork // Spawns two processes by calling two tasks in parallel a_task; another_task; join_any // Blocks until first process completes disable fork; // Terminates the other process
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int N = 10; do begin ... N++; end while (N < 100);
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logic [7:0] array []; // Declare a dynamic array array = new[100]; // Create an array of100 elements array = new[200](array); // Double the size, preserving the existing elements $display("array has %d elements", array.size()); array.delete(); // Array now has no elements
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// This example shows how some of the enumerated type methods are used. enum States {Reset, Go1, Go2} State; initial begin $display("The enum States has %0d values: ", State.num); State = State.first(); do begin $display(" %s (%0d)",, State); State =; end while (State != State.first); // next() wraps at the end end
event StartClock, StopClock; always fork begin : ClockGenerator Clock = 0; @StartClock forever #HalfPeriod Clock = !Clock; end @StopClock disable ClockGenerator; join initial begin : stimulus ... -> StartClock; ... -> StopClock; ... -> StartClock; ... -> StopClock; end
package P; int a, b; endpackage : P package Q; export P::*; // export *::* also ok import P::*; int c; endpackage : Q module m; import Q::*; // P::a, P::b and Q::c are all potentially visible
// SystemVerilog - Exported DPI Function: module Bus(input In1, output Out1); export "DPI-C" function read; // This SystemVerilog function can be called from C function void read(int data); ... endfunction ... endmodule
// C: #include "svdpi.h" extern void read(int); // Imported from SystemVerilog
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A + B !A (A && B) || C A[7:0] B[1] -4'd12/3 // A large positive number "Hello" != "Goodbye" // This is true (1) $realtobits(r); // System function call {A, B, C[1:6]} // Concatenation (8 bits) 1:2:3 // MinTypMax
logic [7:0] Byte7_to_0; logic [0:7] Byte0_to_7; Byte7_to_0[2 +: 3] // Same as Byte7_to_0[4:2] Byte0_to_7[2 +: 3] // Same as Byte0_to_7[2:4] Byte7_to_0[6 -: 3] // Same as Byte7_to_0[6:4] Byte0_to_7[6 -: 3] // Same as Byte0_to_7[4:6] input [4:0] shift; input [31:0] operand; output [7:0] result; assign result = operand[shift -: 8];
// Multi-Dimensional Arrays wire [7:0] A [0:15] [0:15]; // 16x16 array of bytes assign A[0][0] = 8'b1; // Element select assign A[1][5][7:4] = A[5][1][3:0]; // Part-select assign W = A[1][2][3]; // Bit-select
class ParentClass; int X = 1; function int AFunc(); AFunc = X - 1; endfunction endclass class ExtendedClass extends ParentClass; int X = 2; // Overridden variable function int AFunc(); // Overridden method get = X + 1; endfunction endclass ExtendedClass EP = new; ParentClass P = EP; // Overridden members of ExtendedClass are hidden Y = P.X; // Y = 1, not 2 Y = P.AFunc(); // Y = 0, not 3 or 1
// Extern in classes class AClass; // Extern declaration extern protected virtual function int AFunc(int x); endclass function int AClass::AFunc(int x); // Removed protected, virtual, added AClass:: // The rest of the declaration matches exactly the prototype ... // Method body endfunction class PClass #(type T = int); extern function T PFunc(int x); endclass function PClass::T PClass::PFunc(int x); // parameterized ... endfunction
// Extern in Interfaces interface circbuff_if; extern function read (int data); extern function write (int data); endinterface: circbuff_if module circbuff #(parameter int size)( circbuff_if Interf); function void Interf.write(int data); ... endfunction endmodule
final begin $display("Simulation ended: %0d errors.", error_count); end
V = 0; for (int I = 0, int J = 3; I < 4; I++, J--) begin F[I] = A[I] & B[J]; // 4 separate and gates V = V ^ A[I]; // 4 cascaded xor gates end
force f = a && b; ... release f;
string Letters[4] = '{"a", "b", "c", "d"}; foreach(Letters[i]) $display("Letters[%0d] = %s", i, Letters[i]); int Mult [0:3][0:7]; foreach (Mult[i,j]) Mult[i][j] = i * j; // Initialise
initial begin : Clocking Clock = 0; forever #10 Clock = !Clock; end initial begin : Stimulus ... disable Clocking; // Stops the clock end
initial fork : stimulus #20 Data = 8'hae; #40 Data = 8'hxx; // This is executed last Reset = 0; // This is executed first #10 Reset = 1; join // Completes at time 40
initial fork first_process; second_process; wait(interrupt); join_any // Completes when either process completes, or // an interrupt occurs
initial for(int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) fork automatic int k = j; process1: begin ... end process2: begin ... end ... join_none
interface bus #(parameter N = 0) (input logic clock); extern forkjoin task slave_write(bit[7:0] Addr, bit[7:0] Data); extern forkjoin task slave_read(bit[7:0] Addr); modport slave_if (export task slave_write(bit[7:0] Addr, bit[7:0] Data), export task slave_read(bit[7:0] Addr)); ... endinterface module mem (bus busport); task busport.slave_write(bit[7:0] Addr, bit[7:0] Data); ... endtask ... endmodule
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function [7:0] ReverseBits; input [7:0] Byte; integer i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) ReverseBits[7-i] = Byte[i]; endfunction
function [15:0][7:0] AFunc( int A, // A is input by default output [15:0][7:0] B, C[15:0]); ... endfunction
function automatic integer fibonacci (input integer n); if (n <= 2) fibonacci = 1; else fibonacci = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); endfunction
module decoder (A, Y); parameter NumOuts = 16; localparam NumIns = BitsToFit (NumOuts); input [NumIns-1:0] A; function integer BitsToFit(integer n); ... // Depends only on constants endfunction ... endmodule
module TriStateSelector #(parameter N = 4) (input [N-1:0] D, E, output Y); generate genvar I; for (I=0; I<N; I=I+1) begin: B assign Y = E[I] ? D[I] : 1'bz; end endgenerate endmodule
module FF #(parameter ClkPolarity = 1) (input Clk, D, output logic Q); if (ClkPolarity) // generate is not needed always @(posedge Clk) Q <= D; else always @(negedge Clk) Q <= D; endmodule
if (C1 && C2) begin V = !V; W = 0; if (!C3) X = A; else if (!C4) X = B; else X = C; end
interface class IF1; pure virtual function void f(); endclass class C implements IF1; virtual function void f(); endfunction endclass; class D extends C; endclass
import MyPackage::*; import MyOtherPackage::AName; package P; typedef enum {ON, OFF} stateT; endpackage : P module M import P::*; // imports stateT, and its literals (input logic Clock, input logic Reset, output logic O, output stateT s);
// SystemVerilog - Imported DPI Function: module Bus(); import "DPI-C" function void slave_write(input int data); function void write(int data); // Call C function slave_write(data); endfunction ... endmodule
// C: #include "svdpi.h" void slave_write (const int I2) {...}
// Generate vectors in a testbench logic Clock, Enable, Load, Reset; logic [7:0] Data; parameter HalfPeriod = 5; initial begin : ClockGenerator Clock = 0; forever #(HalfPeriod) Clock = !Clock; end initial begin Load = 0; Enable = 0; Reset = 0; #20 Reset = 1; #100 Enable = 1; #100 Data = 8'haa; Load = 1; #10 Load = 0; #500 disable ClockGenerator; // Stops clock generator end
// Given logic IsAMember; logic [1:0] a; IsAMember = a inside {2'b01, 2'b10}; // then a = 2'b00 // Result = 1'b0 a = 2'b01 // Result = 1'b1 a = 2'b10 // Result = 1'b1 a = 2'b11 // Result = 1'b0 a = 2'b0x // Result = 1'bx a = 2'b1x // Result = 1'bx a = 2'bz0 // Result = 1'bx a = 2'bz1 // Result = 1'bx
a inside {2'b?1}; // Matches 2'b01, 2'b11, 2'x1, 2'bz1
int array [$] = '{c, d}; if ( V inside {a, b, array}) // Equiv. to {a, b, c, d} ...
a inside {[0:5], [8:15]};
string I; I inside {["abc":"def"]} // I between "abc" and "def"
// UDP instance Nand2 (weak1,pull0) #(3,4) (F, A, B);
//Module instance Counter U123 (.Clock(Clk), .Reset(Rst), .Count(Q));
//In the two following examples, the port QB is unconnected DFF Ff1 (.Clk(Clk), .D(D), .Q(Q), .QB()); // Equivalent to DFF Ff1 (.Clk, .D, .Q, .QB()); // or DFF Ff1 (.*, .QB()); DFF Ff2 (Q,, Clk, D);
//The following is an and-nor, showing an expression in port connection list nor (F, A&&B, C) // Not recommended
//The following example shows an array of instances module Tristate8 (out, in, ena); output [7:0] out; input [7:0] in; input ena; bufif1 U1[7:0] (out, in, ena); /* Equivalent (except the instance names) to ... bufif1 U1_7 (out[7], in[7], ena); bufif1 U1_6 (out[6], in[6], ena); bufif1 U1_5 (out[5], in[5], ena); bufif1 U1_4 (out[4], in[4], ena); bufif1 U1_3 (out[3], in[3], ena); bufif1 U1_2 (out[2], in[2], ena); bufif1 U1_1 (out[1], in[1], ena); bufif1 U1_0 (out[0], in[0], ena); */ endmodule
package nettype_pkg; nettype real realnet; endpackage module top(); interconnect [0:1] iBus; LDriver L1(iBus[0]); RDriver R1(iBus[1]); RLMod m1(iBus); endmodule : top module LDriver(output wire logic out); endmodule : LDriver module RDriver(output nettype_pkg::realnet out); endmodule : RDriver module RLMod(input interconnect [0:1] iBus); LDriver L1(iBus[0]); RDriver R1(iBus[1]); endmodule : RLMod
// Using named bundle: interface FPGAtoDSPInt; // Interface definition logic Start, N_Reset; logic N_CS, N_DS, R_NW; logic [7:0] AddrBus, DataBus; ... endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA (FPGAtoDSPInt Interf, input logic Clk); ... endmodule module DSP (FPGAtoDSPInt Interf, input logic Clk); ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Interf(); FPGA FPGAMod(Interf, Clk); // Positional connection DSP DSPMod(.Interf(Interf), .Clk)); // Named and .name /* or FPGA FPGAMod (.*); // Implicit port connections DSP DSPMod (.*); */ endmodule
// Using generic interface: module FPGA1 (interface Interf, input logic Clk); ... endmodule module DSP1(interface Interf, input logic Clk); ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(); // Instantiate the interface FPGA1 FPGAMod(.Interf(Intf), .Clk(Clk)); DSP1 DSPMod(.*, .Interf(Intf)); // Partial implicit port connection endmodule
// Interface ports, tasks in interfaces: interface FPGAtoDSPInt (input logic Clk); logic Start, Int_Sig; ... task AddrGen; ... endtask: AddrGen endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA(FPGAtoDSPInt Interf); ... always @(Interf.Start) Interf.AddrGen; ... always @(posedge Interf.clk) Interf.Addr[0] <= Int_Sig; endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(Clk); // Instantiate the interface FPGA FPGAMod(.Interf(Intf)); // Has access to AddrGen ... endmodule
// Multiple tasks exports using forkjoin: interface FPGAtoDSPInt (input logic clk); ... // Tasks executed concurrently as a fork-join block extern forkjoin task do_Reg( ); extern forkjoin task AddrGen(input logic[7:0] Addr); modport Slave( ..., export task AddrGen()); // Export from module // using modport modport Master(..., import task AddrGen(input logic[7:0] Addr)); // Import requires the full task prototype initial do_Reg; endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt; module FPGA(interface GI); task GI.do_Reg; ... endtask task GI.AddrGen; ... endtask endmodule module DSP(interface GI); logic [7:0] Addr; always @(posedge GI.Clk) GI.AddrGen(Addr); // Call slave method via the interface ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(Clk); FPGA FPGAMod1(Intf.Slave); // Exports do_Reg and AddrGen task FPGA FPGAMod2(Intf.Slave); // Exports do_Reg and AddrGen task DSP DSPMod(Intf.Master); // Imports AddrGen task endmodule
// Using parameters in interfaces: interface FPGAtoDSPInt #(AddrWidth = 8, DWidth = 8) (input logic Clk); ... logic [AddrWidth-1:0] addr; logic [DWidth-1:0] data; modport Slave( ..., import task AddrGen()); modport Master(..., import task DInGen(input logic[DWidth-1:0] DIn)); task DInGen(input logic[DWidth-1:0] DIn)); ... endtask task AddrGen; ... endtask endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA(interface GI); ... if (GI.Start == 0) GI.AddrGen; ... endmodule module DSP(interface GI); logic [7:0] DIn; always @(posedge GI.Clk) GI.DInGen(DIn); ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(Clk); // Instantiate default interface FPGAtoDSPInt #(.DWidth(16)) DIntf(clk); // Changed data bus width FPGA FPGAMod(Intf.Slave); // Access only to AddrGen task DSP DSPMod(Intf.Master); // Access only to DInGen task DSP DSPMod1(DIntf.Master); // 16-bit wide data bus endmodule
interface class IF1; pure virtual function void f(); endclass interface class IF2; pure virtual function void g(); endclass interface class IF3 extends IF2; pure virtual function int h(); endclass class C; function bit i(); ... endfunction endclass class D extends C implements IF1, IF3; virtual function void f(); ... endfunction virtual function void g(); ... endfunction virtual function int h(); ... endfunction function bit i(); ... endfunction endclass
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package p; let aTimesB (int a, int b) = ($bits(a) + $bits(b))'(a * b); endpackage module m; import p::*; int a, b; initial begin a = 2; b = 3; $display( aTimesB(.a(a), .b(b)) ); // 6 end endmodule
module n; logic clock, j; let Rose(e, j) = $rose(j, @(e)); ... always ... if ( Rose( posedge clock, j) ) // event argument ... ... endmodule
// All *.v in the directory ../primitives belong to library MyGates library MyGates ../primitives/.v ;
// References any .v source in a project hierarchy, regardless of the directory // names or structure within it. // (uncomment the following to use) // library ProjectLib /usr/design/project/.../*.v ;
// All *.v in this directory and in ../archives belong to library MyDesign // (uncomment the following to use) // library MyDesign // ./*.v, // equivalently *.v, // ../archives/*.v ;
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class AClass; local int i; function int AFunc (AClass A); AFunc = this.i + A.i; // A.i is a local property referenced outside // its instance, but within the same class endfunction endclass
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module Decoder (A, Y); parameter NumIns = 3; localparam NumOuts = 2 ** NumIns; input [NumIns -1 : 0] A; output[NumOuts-1 : 0] Y; ...
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mailbox mbox = new; string message; mbox.put("This is a message"); mbox.get(message); // Message now contains "This is a message"
typedef union tagged packed { void Invalid; int Valid; } VInt; VInt v; int j; //Pattern-matching case statement: case (v) matches tagged Invalid : $display("v's value is invalid"); tagged Valid .n : $display("v is valid: value is %d", n); endcase //Pattern-matching if statement: if (v matches tagged Invalid) $display("v's value is invalid"); else if (v matches tagged Valid .n &&& n < 0) $display("v is valid, and negative"); // Pattern-matching conditional operator: j = v matches tagged Valid .n ? n : 'x;
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interface FPGAtoDSPInt; logic Start, N_Reset; logic N_CS, N_DS, R_NW; logic [7:0] AddrBus, DataBus; modport Master(output AddrBus, ref DataBus); modport Slave (input AddrBus, ref DataBus); ... endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA (FPGAtoDSPInt.Master Interf, input logic Clk); // Modport specified in module header ... endmodule module DSP (FPGAtoDSPInt Interf, input logic Clk); ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf; FPGA FPGAMod(.Interf(Intf), Clk); DSP DSPMod(.Interf(Intf.Slave), .Clk(Clk)); // Modport specified in port connection endmodule
// Hierarchical interface: interface Intf; interface FPGAtoDSPInt; ... modport Master(...); modport Slave (...); ... endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt FPGAtoDSPInt Intf1, Intf2; modport Master2 (Intf1.Master, Intf2.Master); endinterface
// Generic Interface: module FPGA(interface Interf); ... endmodule module DUT; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf; FPGA FPGAMod(Intf.Slave); // Connect modport to module instance ... endmodule
// Tasks in modports: interface FPGAtoDSPInt (input logic Clk); ... logic [7:0] AddrBus, DataBus; modport Slave( ...); modport Master(..., import task DInGen(input logic[7:0] DIn)); task DInGen(input logic[7:0] DIn)); ... endtask endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA(interface GI); // Generic Interface ... endmodule module DSP(interface GI); logic [7:0] DIn; always @(posedge GI.Clk) GI.DInGen(DIn); ... endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(Clk); // Instantiate default interface FPGA FPGAMod(Intf); // Access to all Master and Slave tasks DSP DSPMod(Intf.Master); // Access only to DInGen task endmodule
// Exporting tasks: interface FPGAtoDSPInt (input logic Clk); ... modport Slave(..., export task DInGen(input logic[7:0] DIn)); // Export from module that uses the modport modport Master(..., import task DInGen(input logic[7:0] DIn)); endinterface: FPGAtoDSPInt module FPGA(interface Interf); task Interf.DInGen(input logic[7:0] DIn); // DInGen method ... endtask endmodule module DSP(interface GI); logic [7:0] DIn; always @(posedge GI.Clk) GI.DInGen(DIn); // Call slave method via the interface endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; FPGAtoDSPInt Intf(Clk); FPGA FPGAMod(Intf.Slave); // Exports DInGen task DSP DSPMod(Intf.Master); // Imports DInGen task endmodule
// Clocking blocks and modports interface An_Interf(input bit clk); wire a, b; clocking CB @(posedge clk); input a; output b; ... endclocking modport CTB (clocking CB); // Synchronous testbench modport modport TB ( input a, output b); // Asynchronous tb modport endinterface module T (An_Interf.CTB T1); // Testbench with synchronous port initial begin T1.CB.b <= 1; ... end endmodule
// Modport Expressions interface I; logic [7:0] r; const int x=1; bit R; modport A (output .P(r[3:0]), input .Q(x), R); modport B (output .P(r[7:4]), input .Q(2), R); endinterface module M ( interface i); initial i.P = i.Q; endmodule module top; I i1(); M u1 (i1.A); M u2 (i1.B); endmodule
macromodule nand2 (f, a, b); output f; input a, b; nand (f, a, b); endmodule
module PYTHAGORAS (X, Y, Z); input [63:0] X, Y; output [63:0] Z; parameter Epsilon = 1.0E-6; real RX, RY, X2Y2, A, B; always @(X or Y) begin RX = $bitstoreal(X); RY = $bitstoreal(Y); X2Y2 = (RX * RX) + (RY * RY); B = X2Y2; A = 0.0; while ((A - B) > Epsilon || (A - B) < -Epsilon) begin A = B; B = (A + X2Y2 / A) / 2.0; end end assign Z = $realtobits(A); endmodule
module MinMax #(parameter P) ( input MinMax1, // ANSI-style port declaration input [3:0] X, Y, output logic [3:0] Z); ... endmodule
// Nested modules module Mod2(...); module and2(input I1, I2, output O); ... endmodule ... and2 U1(...), U2(...), U3(...); ... endmodule
// Extern module // Given extern module Counter #(N = 8) (input Clock, Reset, output logic [N-1:0] Count); module Counter (.*); // is equivalent to module Counter #(N = 8) (input Clock, Reset, output logic [N-1:0] Count); ... endmodule
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// Legal names A_99_Z Reset _54MHz_Clock$ Module // Not the same as 'module' \$%^&*() // Escaped identifier
// Illegal names 123a // Starts with a number $data // Starts with a dollar module // A keyword
// Hierarchical names, and an upwards name reference. module Separate; parameter P = 5; // Separate.P or $root.Separate.P endmodule module Top; logic R; // Top.R or $root.Top.R Bottom U1(); endmodule module Bottom; logic R; // Top.U1.R or $root.Top.U1.R task T; // Top.U1.T or $root.Top.U1.T logic R; // Top.U1.T.R or $root.Top.U1.T.R ... endtask initial begin : InitialBlock logic R; // $root.Top.U1.InitialBlock.R $display(Bottom.R); // Upwards name reference to Top.U1.R $display(U1.R); // Upwards name reference to Top.U1.R ... end endmodule
wire Clock; wire [7:0] Address; wire enum {red, green, blue} light; tri1 [31:0] Data, Bus; trireg (large) C1, C2; wire f = a && b, g = a || b; // Continuous assignments
typedef struct { int x; int y; real r; } R; function automatic R RAvg(input R driver[]); RAvg = '{x:0, y:0, r:0.0}; foreach (driver[i]) begin ... end ... endfunction nettype R wRAvg with RAvg;
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
class C; bit [3:0] size; covergroup cov_size; coverpoint size; endgroup function new(input j = 0); // Class constructor size = j; cov_size = new; // Covergroup instance endfunction endclass C c1, c2, c3; C c4 = new; // Declare and initialize initial begin c1 = new; // Size = 0 c2 = new(10); // Size = 10 c3 = new c2; // Size = 10 ... repeat (20) begin c2.size = $urandom_range(0, 15); c2.cov_size.sample(); end ... end
// Dynamic arrays string Names[] = new[20]; // 20 elements Names = new[40] (Names); // Expand to 40 elements; // preserviing the first 20 // elements. Names = new[30]; // Resize to 30 elements. // Initialize all elements to // default value of the // element datatype.
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-253 // A signed decimal number 'Haf // An unsized hex number 6'o67 // A 6 bit octal number 8'bx // An 8 bit unknown number (8'bxxxx_xxxx) 4'bz1 // All but the lsb are Z (4'bzzz1) reg signed [3:0] S4; S4 = -4; // 4'b1100 S4 = S4 >>> 1; // 4'b1110 = -2 S4 = S4 + 2'sb11; // 4'b1101 = -3
// Broken backward compatibility reg [63:0] W64; W64 = 64'bz; // Verilog-1995: 64'h00000000zzzzzzzz W64 = 'bz; // Verilog-2001: 64'hzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
// Illegal numbers for the reasons given: _23 // Begins with _ 8' HF F // Contains two illegal spaces 0ae // Decimal number with hex digits x // A name, not a number (use 1'bx) .17 // Should be 0.17
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Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
-16'd10 // An expression, not a signed number! a + b x % y Reset && !Enable // Same as Reset && (!Enable) a && b || c && d // Same as (a && b) || (c && d) ~4'b1101 // Gives 4'b0010 &8'hff // Gives 1'b1 (all bits are 1) reg signed [3:0] ShftIn, ShftOut; ShftIn = 4'b1010; ShftOut = (ShftIn >>> 2); // ShftOut becomes 4'b1110
// Assignment to RegA when an event occurs on A or B @(A, B) RegA = RegB;
// Or and , in sensitivity list always @(A or B, C, D or E)
// Replication operator (or multiple concatenation) {4{1'b1}} // Equivalent to 4'b1111
// Class scope resolution operator class BaseClass; int x; static task ATask(int i, int j); ... endtask endclass ... BaseClass B = new; int x = 1; B.ATask(BaseClass::x, x); // BaseClass::x and x are different
// Pack/unpack streaming operations int x, y, z; logic [3:0] v [2:0]; logic [4:1] w1, w2, w3; bit [96:1] a = {>>{x, y, z}}; // Pack x, y, z, each 32 bits bit [100:0] c = {>>{ x, y, z }}; // c is padded with 5 bits {>>{x, y, z}} = 96'b111; // Unpack x = 0, y = 0, z = 7 {>>{w1, w2, w3}} = v; // w1 = v[2], w2 = v[1], w3 = v[0] int b = {>>{x, y, z}}; // Error: b is 32 bits < 96 bits
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package P0; int a; const bit c = 0; endpackage: P0 package P1; int b; const bit c = 0; endpackage: P1 module Mod; import P0::*; wire w1 = P1::b; // no need for import clause wire w2 = c; // The import of P0::c is forced import P1::c; // Error: conflict between P0::c and P1::c endmodule
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module Shifter #(NBits = 8) // Keyword parameter is omitted (input Clock, In, Load, input [NBits-1:0] Data, output Out); always @(posedge Clock) if (Load) ShiftReg <= Data; else ShiftReg <= {ShiftReg[NBits-2:0], In} assign Out = ShiftReg[NBits-1]; endmodule module TestShifter; ... defparam U2.NBits = 10; Shifter #(16) U1 (...); // 16-bit shift register Shifter U2 (...) // 10-bit shift register endmodule
// Sized parameters parameter [2:0] Idle = 3'b100, Go1 = 3'b010, Go2 = 3'b001;
// Typed parameters parameter integer Size = 1;
// Named association of parameters module UseShifter(...); Shifter #(.Nbits(10)) MyDecadeShifter(...);
// Parameter dependence parameter WordSize = 16, MemSize = WordSize*1024;
// Type Parameter module M1 #(int BitNo = 7, localparam P = BitNo*4, // P depends on BitNo parameter type ParType = shortreal) (input bit [BitNo:0] In, output bit [BitNo:0] Out); ParType P = 0; // Type of P is set by ParType parameter //(shortreal unless redefined) ... endmodule module M2; bit [15:0] In, Out; M1 #(.BitNo(15), .ParType(real)) U1 (In, Out); // ParType redefined as real endmodule
specify (clk => q) = 1.2; (rst => q) = 0.8; specparam PATHPULSE$clk$q = (0.5,1), PATHPULSE$ = (0.5); endspecify
module (A, B, C, D); input A; inout [7:0] B; output [3:0] C, D;
module FF8( input Clk, Reset, input reg [7:0] D, output reg [7:0] Q = 8'b0); // Declare and initialize reg
typedef struct { bit A; union {int i, real j} B; } Struct1; module M1 (input int In, output var Struct1 Out); ... endmodule
// Interface ports interface Interf (input Clk); ... endinterface module (Interf Int1, ...) ... endmodule module (interface Int2, ...) // Generic interface ... endmodule
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bit[1:0] S; priority if(S[1:0] == 2'b01) State = State1; else if (S[1:0] == 2'b10) State = State2; else State = Idle; // Covers all other possible values, so no // warning is issued
priority casez(S) 2'b01: State = State1; 2'b10: State = State2; default: State = Idle; endcase
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
always @(Inputs) begin : CountOnes integer I; f = 0; for (I=0; I<8; I=I+1) if (Inputs[I]) f = f + 1; end
always @Swap fork // Swap the values of a and b a = #5 b; b = #5 a; join // Completes after a delay of 5
always @(posedge Clock) begin c <= b; // Uses the 'old' value of 'b' b <= a; end
// Delay a nonblocking assignment to overcome clock skew. always @(posedge Clock) Count <= #1 Count + 1;
// Assert Reset for one clock period on the fifth negative edge of Clock. initial begin Reset = repeat(5) @(negedge Clock) 1; Reset = @(negedge Clock) 0; end
initial begin // Declare a process variable process p; // Spawn a process fork begin // Obtain process's handle p = process::self(); ... end join_none // Nonblocking // If the process hasn't completed after 100ns, forcibly terminate it #100ns if (p != process::FINISHED) p.kill(); end
module Design (input clock, input [7:0] data, addr, output [7:0] Q); // ... endmodule module testbench; logic clock = 0; logic [7:0] data, addr, Q; Design DUT (.*); test test_i (.*); // Simulation stops when the program finishes initial forever #10 clock = !clock; program test (input clock, output logic [7:0] data, addr, input [7:0] Q); clocking cb @(posedge clock); default input #2ns output #5ns; output data, addr; input Q; endclocking initial begin cb.addr <= 8'h00; <= 8'haa; // ... end endprogram endmodule
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class BaseClass; virtual protected function int AFunc(bit X); // Prototype extern protected virtual function int BFunc(int Y); endclass class ExtendedClass extends BaseClass; protected function int AFunc(bit X); ... // Function body endfunction endclass
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int Q1[$]; // An empty queue of ints int Q2[$] = '{1, 2}; // An initialised queue of ints bit Q3[$:7]; // A queue with max size = 8 bits int I1, e; I1 = Q2[0]; // Read the first (left-most) item I1 = Q2[$]; // Read the last (right-most) item Q2 = Q2[0:$-1]; // Delete the last (right-most) item Q2 = Q2[1:$-1]; // Delete the first and last items Q.delete(i) // Equiv. to: Q = '{Q[0:i-1], Q[i+1,$]} Q1 = Q2; // Copy Q2 in Q1 Q2 = '{Q2, 3}; // Insert 3 at the end Q2 = '{Q2[0:i-1], j, Q2[i,$] }; // Insert j at position i Q2 = '{Q2[0:i], j, Q2[i+1,$] }; // Insert j after position i e = Q.pop_front() // Equiv. to: e = Q[0]; Q = Q[1,$] e = Q.pop_back() // Equiv. to: e = Q[$]; Q = Q[0,$-1] Q.push_front(e) // Equiv. to: Q = '{e, Q}
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
// Random variables in classes class C; rand bit a, b; endclass C c = new; c.randomize();
// Seeding class B; rand bit a; function new (int seed); this.srandom(seed); ... endfunction ... endclass B b = new(8); // Create b with seed = 8 b.srandom(10); // Re-seed b with seed 10
// The scope randomize function ([std::]randomize) bit a, b; // Variables with module scope bit OK; OK = randomize(a, b); // Make a, b random variables OK = randomize(a, b) with {a != b;};
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
bit a, b; randcase // self-determined precision of each weight expression a+b: x = 8; // 1-bit precision 5: x = 3; // 3-bit precision (3'b101) 4'h9: x = 10; // 4-bit precision // Weight selection: unsigned 4-bit sum comparison endcase
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
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// The following generates either ABC or ABD. The latter is twice as likely. randsequence S1 : A B S2; // Sequence starts here S2 : C | D := 2; A : {$display("A");} B : {$display("B");} C : {$display("C");} D : {$display("D");} endsequence
randsequence(Top) Top : One Two Three Four; One : S11 | S12; // Sequence aborted after S21 if i < 2 Two : S21 {if (i < 2) break;} S22; Three : case (j) 0 : S31 // If j=0, S31 is generated 1, 2 : S32 // If j=1 or 2, S32 is generated default : S33 // Otherwise, S33 is generated endcase ; // Repeat S4 a random no. of times in the range [1:3], depending on the // value returned by $urandom_range() Four : repeat($urandom_range(1, 3)) S4; S11 : {$display("S11");} ; S12 : {$display("S12");} ; S21 : {i--; $display("S21");} ; S22 : {i++; $display("S22");} ; ... endsequence
// Sequence interleaving randsequence(Top) Top : rand join S1 S2; S1 : A B ; S2 : C D ; ... endsequence // Generates, for example: A B C D.
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initial begin Clock = 0; repeat (MaxClockCycles) begin #10 Clock = 1; #10 Clock = 0; end end
repeat (3) @(EventExpr) // Will execute EventExpr 3 times. repeat (-3) @(EventExpr) // Will not execute EventExpression. repeat (a) @(EventExpr) // If a is assigned -3, will execute the // EventExpr once if a declared unsigned. // Will not execute if a is signed.
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Try out another example using this feature in EDA Playground
semaphore sm = new(2); // Create semaphore with 2 keys sm.get(); // Get a key, or block if none available sm.put(2); // Return two keys
module M (F, G, Q, Qb, W, A, B, D, V, Clk, Rst, X, Z); input A, B, D, Clk, Rst, X; input [7:0] V; output F, G, Q, Qb, Z; output [7:0] W; reg C, Err; // Functional Description ... specify specparam TLH$Clk$Q = 3, THL$Clk$Q = 4, TLH$Clk$Qb = 4, THL$Clk$Qb = 5, Tsetup$Clk$D = 2.0, Thold$Clk$D = 1.0; // Simple path, full connection (A, B *> F) = (1.2:2.3:3.1, 1.4:2.0:3.2); // Simple path, parallel connection, positive polarity (V + => W) = 3,4,5; // Edge-sensitive paths, with polarity (posedge Clk *> (Q +: D)) = (TLH$Clk$Q,THL$Clk$Q); (posedge Clk *> (Qb -: D)) = (TLH$Clk$Qb,THL$Clk$Qb); // State dependent paths if (C) (X *> Z) = 5; if (!C && V == 8'hff) (X *> Z) = 4; ifnone (X *> Z) = 6; // Default SDPD, X to Z // Timing checks $setuphold(posedge Clk, D, Tsetup$Clk$D, Thold$Clk$D, Err); endspecify endmodule
//Pulse-Style and showcancelled specify showcancelled Out1, Out2; pulsestyle_ondetect Out1, Out2; (A => Out1)=(2,3); (B => Out1)=(3,4); (B => Out2)=(3,4); (B => Out2)=(5,6); endspecify
specify specparam tRise$a$f = 1.0, tFall$a$f = 1.0, tRise$b$f = 1.0, tFall$b$f = 1.0; (a *> f) = (tRise$a$f, tFall$a$f); (b *> f) = (tRise$b$f, tFall$b$f); endspecify module (input I1, I2, output O1); specparam Spec = 1.0; parameter Par = 1; ... endmodule
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
LabelA: Statement LabelB: begin ... end
assign (weak1, weak0) f = a + b; trireg (large) c1, c2; and (strong1, weak0) u1 (x, y, z);
string s1; // s1 is initially "" string s2 = "This is a string literal. "; string s3; s1 = "So is this." s2 = {s2,s1}; // s2 is now "This is a string literal. So is this." s3.itoa(100); $display(s3); // "100" $display(s1.len); // Returns 11
logic [23:0] MonthName[1:12]; initial begin MonthName[1] = "Jan"; MonthName[2] = "Feb"; MonthName[3] = "Mar"; MonthName[4] = "Apr"; MonthName[5] = "May"; MonthName[6] = "Jun"; MonthName[7] = "Jul"; MonthName[8] = "Aug"; MonthName[9] = "Sep"; MonthName[10] = "Oct"; MonthName[11] = "Nov"; MonthName[12] = "Dec"; end
typedef struct { int A; union {bit i; byte j;} B; } Struct1; // Named structure Struct1 S[7:0]; // Array of structures
struct packed signed { int A; byte B; byte C; } PackedStruct; // Signed, 2-state
class ParentClass; int X = 1; function int AFunc(); AFunc = 2*X; endfunction endclass class DerivedClass extends ParentClass; int X = 2; // Overridden variable function int AFunc(); AFunc = super.AFunc() + 2*X*super.X; endfunction endclass
// Simple RTL task, which can be synthesized. task Counter; inout [3:0] Count; input Reset; if (Reset) // Synchronous Reset Count = 0; // Must use blocking, or value won't be seen else Count = Count + 1; endtask
// An automatic task task automatic PipelinedMult( input [7:0] A, B, input integer Depth, output [15:0] Y ); // ANSI-style arguments logic [15:0] temp; // a distinct temp for each running instance of // PipelinedMult due to automatic keyword begin temp = A * B; repeat (Depth) @(posedge clk) Y = temp; end endtask
// An automatic task with static variables task automatic Task(); int VarA1; // Automatic by default static int VarS; // Static automatic int VarA2; // Automatic ... endtask
// Argument of type array task ATask(input [15:0][7:0] A, B[15:0], output [15:0][7:0] C[1:0]); ... endtask
// Tasks in interfaces interface A (input logic Clk); logic Start; ... task Task1; ... endtask: Task1 endinterface: A module Mod(A Interf); ... always @(Interf.Start) Interf.Task1; endmodule module DUT; logic Clk; A Intf(Clk); // Interface instantiation Mod U1(.Interf(Intf.Task1)); // Only has access to the // Task1 task ... endmodule
// Tasks in a testbench module TestRAM; parameter AddrWidth = 5; parameter DataWidth = 8; parameter MaxAddr = 1 << AddrBits; reg [DataWidth-1:0] Addr; reg [AddrWidth-1:0] Data; wire [DataWidth-1:0] DataBus = Data; reg Ce, Read, Write; Ram32x8 Uut (.Ce(Ce), .Rd(Read), .Wr(Write), .Data(DataBus), .Addr(Addr)); initial begin : stimulus integer NErrors; integer i; // Initialize the error count NErrors = 0; // Write the address value to each address for ( i=0; i<=MaxAddr; i=i+1 ) WriteRam(i, i); // Read and compare for ( i=0; i<=MaxAddr; i=i+1 ) begin ReadRam(i, Data); if ( Data !== i ) RamError(i,i,Data); end // Summarise the number of errors $display(Completed with %0d errors, NErrors); end task WriteRam; input [AddrWidth-1:0] Address; input [DataWidth-1:0] RamData; Ce = 0; Addr = Address; Data = RamData; #10 Write = 1; #10 Write = 0; Ce = 1; endtask task ReadRam; input [AddrWidth-1:0] Address; output [DataWidth-1:0] RamData; Ce = 0; Addr = Address; Data = RamData; Read = 1; #10 RamData = DataBus; Read = 0; Ce = 1; endtask task RamError; input [AddrWidth-1:0] Address; input [DataWidth-1:0] Expected; input [DataWidth-1:0] Actual; if ( Expected !== Actual ) begin $display("Error reading address %h", Address); $display(" Actual %b, Expected %b", Actual, Expected); NErrors = NErrors + 1; end endtask endmodule
task Counter; inout [3:0] Count; input Reset; ... endtask always @(posedge Clock) Counter(Count, Reset);
class AClass; int Var1; // Var1 is a property of AClass function new (int Var1) // Var1 is an argument of the constructor this.Var1 = Var1; // The instance property is accessed using this endfunction endclass
timeunit 100ns; timeprecision 10ps;
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
#10 #10ns #(Period/2) #(1.2:3.5:7.1) @Trigger @(a or b or c) @(a, b, c) @(*) @(posedge clock or negedge reset)
// Delay a nonblocking assignment to overcome clock skew. always @(posedge Clock) Count <= #1 Count + 1;
// Assert Reset for one clock period on the fifth negative edge of Clock. initial begin Reset = repeat(5) @(negedge Clock) 1; Reset = @(negedge Clock) 0; end
typedef enum {True, False} Bool; Bool Var;
typedef struct {byte Addr; byte Data;} Bus; Bus Bus1[0:3]; // Array of structures
typedef union { int X; shortreal Y; } FloatingPoint; FloatingPoint N; N.Y = 0.0;
typedef mailbox #(int) MailBox; // Parameterised mailbox MailBox MB = new;
typedef union packed { bit [15:0] i; shortint j; } Un; Un N; N.j = 0;
typedef struct packed { // Unsigned by default bit [ 3:0] A4; bit [ 7:0] B8; bit [15:0] C16; } Struct1; typedef union packed { // Unsigned by default Struct1 AStruct; bit [27:0] A28; bit [13:0][1:0] A14_2; } Union1; Union1 U1; byte B; bit [3:0] Nib; B = U1.A28[27:26]; // Same as B = U1.A14_2[13]; Nib = U1.A28[27:24]; // Same as Nib = U1.Astruct.A4;
typedef union tagged packed { void Invalid; int i; } IntOrInvalid; IntOrInvalid ti; ti = tagged i 42; // Tagged union expression ti.i = 10 // OK - tag is "i" if (ti.i == 10 ) ... // True ti = tagged Invalid; // No value needed if (ti.i == 10 ) ... // Error - ti is "Invalid"
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
bit[1:0] S; unique if(S[1:0] == 2'b01) State = State1; else if (S[1:0] == 2'b10) State = State2; // 2'b00 and 2'b11 cause a run-time warning
unique casez(S) 2'b01: State = State1; 2'b10: State = State2; // 2'b00 and 2'b11 cause a run-time warning endcase
int A[1:4] = '{1,2,3,45}; // assignment pattern int B[4] = {1,2,3,4}; // unpacked array concatenation int C[1:8] = {A, 1,2,3,4}; // legal int D[1:8] = '{A, 1,2,3,4}; // illegal int E[1:8] = {default:0}; // illegal int F[1:8] = '{default:0}; // legal
primitive Mux2to1 (f, a, b, sel); // Combinational UDP output f; input a, b, sel; table // a b sel : f 0 ? 0 : 0; 1 ? 0 : 1; ? 0 1 : 0; ? 1 1 : 1; 0 0 ? : 0; 1 1 ? : 1; endtable endprimitive
primitive Latch (Q, D, Ena); output Q; input D, Ena; reg Q; // Level sensitive UDP table // D Ena : old Q : Q 0 0 : ? : 0; 1 0 : ? : 1; ? 1 : ? : -; // Keeps previous value 0 ? : 0 : 0; 1 ? : 1 : 1; endtable endprimitive
primitive DFF (Q, Clk, D); output Q; input Clk, D; reg Q; // Edge sensitive UDP initial Q = 1; table // Clk D : old Q : Q r 0 : ? : 0; // Clock '0' r 1 : ? : 1; // Clock '1' (0?) 0 : 0 : -; // Possible Clock (0?) 1 : 1 : -; // " " (?1) 0 : 0 : -; // " " (?1) 1 : 1 : -; // " " (?0) ? : ? : -; // Ignore falling clock (1?) ? : ? : -; // " " " ? * : ? : -; // Ignore D changes on steady clock endtable endprimitive
primitive SRFF (output reg Q = 1'b1, input S, R); // initial Q = 1'b1; table // S R Q Q+ 1 0 : ? : 1 ; f 0 : 1 : - ; 0 r : ? : 0 ; 0 f : 0 : - ; 1 1 : ? : 0 ; endtable endprimitive
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reg a, b, c; logic [7:0] mem[1:1024], Byte; // Byte is not a memory array integer i, j, k; time now; real r; shortint ShInt[7]; // Same as ShInt[0:6] bit[7:0] B; // Same as byte B; logic signed [31:0] L; // Same as integer L; byte C = "A";
logic [15:0] V; logic Parity = 0; always @(V) for ( int i = 0; i <= 15; i++ ) Parity ^= V[i];
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
virtual class BaseClass; // Class that cannot be instantiated pure virtual function int AFunc(int x); endclass class ExtendClass extends BaseClass; // Subclass function int AFunc(int x); // Prototype identical to the Base Class AFunc = x - 1; endfunction endclass
// Polymorphism example: BaseClass Bases[2]; // Declare a variable of abstract BaseClass ExtendClass ExCl = new; // Instance of an ExtendedClass object Bases[0] = ExCl; // Legal shortint x; ... if (Bases[0].AFunc(x) == 1) // Invokes the AFunc method // from ExtendClass ...
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
interface Bus; logic passenger; endinterface class BusTransactor; virtual interface Bus bus; function new (virtual Bus b); bus = b; endfunction task do_something (i); bus.passenger = i; endtask endclass module Slave (Bus bus); ... endmodule module Test; Bus bus1(), bus2(); Slave slave_inst1 (bus1); Slave slave_inst2 (bus2); BusTransactor t1, t2; initial begin t1 = new(bus1); t2 = new(bus2); t1.do_something(0); // bus1.passenger = 0 t2.do_something(1); // bus2.passenger = 1 end endmodule
// Clocking blocks in virtual interfaces interface AnIntf (input logic clk); wire a, b; clocking cb @(posedge clk); input b; output a; endclocking modport STB (clocking cb); // Synchronous testbench modport modport DUT (input b, output a); // Connects to DUT endinterface module Device (interface I); ... endmodule module Test_Device; logic clk; AnIntf I1 (clk); AnIntf I2 (clk); Device Device1 (I1.DUT); Device Device2 (I2.DUT); Tester test (I1.STB, I2.STB); endmodule : Test_Device module Tester (AnIntf i1, AnIntf i2); typedef virtual interface AnIntf VI; task Drive (VI v); v.cb.a <= 1; endtask : Drive function Sample (VI v); return v.cb.b; endfunction : Sample initial begin Drive(i1); Sample(i1); Drive(i2); Sample(i2); end endmodule : Tester
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
wait (count == 10) $display("Count is ten");
// Wait until the sequence seq1 is successfully completed wait (seq1.triggered) $display("Sequence seq1 has completed");
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
// Wait until the events e1, e2 and e3 are triggered in that sequence. // When this happens, success is set to one. // If the events trigger out of sequence, success is set to 0. wait_order (e1, e2, e3) success = 1; else success = 0;
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
// Example using wait fork initial begin // Parent process fork ... join_none wait fork; // Blocks (waits) until all process spawned by this // process have finished end
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
reg [15:0] Word; bit [ 5:0] CountOnes; while (Word) begin if (Word[0]) CountOnes = CountOnes + 1; Word = Word >> 1; end
`begin_keywords "1364-2001-noconfig module design; // design is a keyword in Verilog-2001 reg logic; // logic is a keyword in SystemVerilog endmodule `end_keywords
`define SUBBLOCK1 subblock1_rtl `define SUBBLOCK2 subblock2_rtl `define SUBBLOCK3 subblock3_gates module TopLevel ... `SUBBLOCK1 sub1_inst (...); `SUBBLOCK2 sub2_inst (...); `SUBBLOCK3 sub3_inst (...); ... endmodule
// Text macro with arguments `define nand(delay) nand #(delay) `nand(3) (f,a,b); `nand(4) (g,f,c);
`define primitiveModel module Test1; ... `ifdef primitiveModel MyDesign_primitives UUT (...); `else MyDesign_RTL UUT (...); `endif endmodule
// Chained nested conditional directives module Test2; ... `ifdef Block1 `ifndef Block2 initial $display ("Block1 is defined"); `else initial $display ("Block1 and Block2 defined"); `endif `elsif Block3 initial $display ("Block3 defined, Block1 is not"); `else initial $display ("Block1, Block3 not defined."); `endif endmodule
`pragma resetall `pragma protect encoding=(enctype="uuencode")
`timescale 10ns / 1ps
assert property (sig1 and (sig2 ##1 sig3) |-> sig4);
// Concurrent assertions module FlipFlop (input logic clk, D, output logic Q); property P2; int d; @(posedge clk) (1,(d=D)) |-> ##1 (Q == d); endproperty Label2: assert property (P2); always @(posedge clk) Q <= D; endmodule
// Module Flipflop above is equivalent to module FlipFlop (input logic clk, D, output logic Q); property P2; int d; (1,(d=D)) |-> ##1 (Q == d); endproperty always @(posedge clk) begin Label2: assert property (P2); Q <= D; end endmodule
a1: assume property (@(posedge clk) ack |=> !ack); a2: assume property (@(posedge clk) req dist {0:=1, 1:=9});
module m; default disable iff rst; ... // inherits disable iff rst from enclosing module checker Check1 (logic sig, event clk = $inferred_clock); default clocking @clk; endclocking; property p1(logic psig); ... endproperty : p1 assert1: assert property (p1(.psig(test_sig))); endchecker: Check1 endmodule : m
checker c1(event clk, logic s); p1: assert property (@clk s); endchecker: c1 checker c2(event clk, logic s); c1 c1Inst (clk, s); // static always @(clk) begin c1 c1_procedural(clk, s); // procedural end endchecker: c2 module m (logic clk, logic a); always @(posedge clk) begin c2: c2_proc(posedge clk, a); // procedural end endmodule : m
module Top(input bit clk); logic a, b; sequence s1; @(posedge clk) a ##1 b; endsequence Label1: cover property (s1); Label2: cover sequence (s1); // Alternatively ... endmodule
module m; default disable iff rst; ... // inherits disable iff rst from enclosing module checker Check1 (logic sig, event clk = $inferred_clock); default clocking @clk; endclocking; property p1(logic psig); ... endproperty : p1 assert1: assert property (p1(.psig(test_sig))); endchecker: Check1 endmodule : m
module Test; initial begin ... #100ns expect(@(posedge clk) a ##1 b) else $error( "expect failed" ); ... end endmodule : Test
// Sequence with variable delay sequence seq1; e1 ## [2:5] e2; endsequence // e1 and e2 are expressions. Each attempt of sequence seq1 can result in // matches for up to four of the following sequences: e1 ##2 e2 e1 ##3 e2 e1 ##4 e2 e1 ##5 e2 // However, the following sequence seq_first can result in a match for only one // of the above four sequences. sequence seq_first; first_match(e1 ## [2:5] e2); endsequence // Whichever match of the above four sequences ends first is a match of sequence seq_first.
s1 |-> s2; // In the example above, if the sequence s1 matches, then sequence s2 must also match. // If sequence s1 does not match, then the result is true. s1 |=> s2; // The expression above is equivalent to: `define true 1 s1 ##1 `true |-> s2; // where `true is a boolean expression, used for visual clarity, that always evaluates to true.
// Intersect is used to "and" two sequences, implying a third sequence assert property ( a ##1 b ##1 c intersect 1'b1 ##1 d ##1 1'b1 |=> e );
// Sequence with or where one of the operands is a sequence assert property ( (sig1 ##1 sig2) or sig3 |=> sig4 ); // The property holds if either of these sequences occur: sig1 ##1 sig2 |=> sig4 // or sig3 |=> sig4
property P; (a ##1 b) |-> (d ##1 e); endproperty
// Clock inferred from procedural block always @(posedge clk) assert property ((a ##2 b)); // Clock from clocking block clocking cb1 @(posedge clk); property P1; (a ##2 b); endproperty endclocking assert property (cb1.P1);
// Multi-clock property examples: sequence s1; @(posedge clk1) a ##1 b; // Single clock sequence endsequence sequence s2; @(posedge clk2) c ##1 d; // Single clock sequence endsequence sequence MultSeq; // Multiple clock sequence @(posedge clk1) e ##1 @(posedge clk2) s1 ##1 @(posedge clk3) s2; endsequence property p1; // Property with a named multiple-clock seq. MultSeq; endproperty property p2; // Property with multiple-clock implication @(posedge clk1) a ##1 @(posedge clk2) s1 |=> @(posedge clk3) s2; endproperty property mult_p6; // Property with implication with named MultSeq |=> MultSeq; // Multi-clocked sequences endproperty property p3; // a, b, cond, e are clocked on posedge clk1 @(posedge clk1) a ##1 b |-> if (cond) (1 |=> @(posedge clk2) d) else e ##1 @(posedge clk3) f; endproperty
// Recursive properties property RecP1(p); p and (1'b1 |=> RecP1(p)); endproperty property RecP2; s1 |-> (prop2 and (1'b1 |=> RecP3)); endproperty property RecP3; // RecP2 and RecP3 are mutually recursive s2 |-> (prop3 and (1'b1 |=> RecP2)); endproperty
// Case property property delayExample(logic [1:0] del); case (del) 2'b00 : a && b; 2'b01 : a ##1 b; 2'b10 : a ##2 b; 2'b11 : a ##3 b; default : 0; // doesn't hold if x or z endcase endproperty
r1: restrict property (@(posedge clk) mode == 2'b00);
a ##N b; // a must be true on the current clock tick, and b on the Nth // clock tick after a is true a ##[2:5] b // a must be true on the current clock tick, and b must be true // on some clock tick between 2 and 5 after a is true sequence s1; a ##1 b; endsequence sequence s2; @(posedge clk2) // Reference s1 in s2. s1 starts one clock cycle after the occurrence // of d in sequence s2 c ##1 d ##1 s1 ##1 f; // Equivalent to c ##1 d ##1 a ##1 b ##1 f; // Use ended method in s2. Now s1 must end successfully one clock tick // after d c ##1 d ##1 s1.ended ##1 f; endsequence
// Consecutive repetition a ##1 b ##1 b ##1 b ##1 c; // Equivalent to: a ##1 b [*3] ##1 c; a [*3]; // Equiv. to a ##1 a ##1 a (a[*0:2] ##1 b ##1 c); // Equivalent to: (b ##1 c) or (a ##1 b ##1 c) or (a ##1 a ##1 b ##1 c); // Goto repetition a ##1 b[->1:9] ##1 c // a followed by at most 9 occurrences of b, // followed by c // Non-consecutive repetition a ##1 b [=1:9] ##1 c // Equivalent to: a ##1 ((!b [*0:$] ##1 b)) [*1:9]) ##1 !b[*0:$] ##1 c
// first_match sequence s1; (a ##[1:2] b) or (c ##[2:4] d); endsequence sequence s2; first_match(s1); // s2 results in the earlier match from one of the following: // a ##1 b // a ##2 b // c ##2 d // Ending at the same time with previous. If both match, // first_match results in two sequences. // c ##3 d // c ##4 d endsequence
// Dynamic creation of a variable and its assignment sequence SubSeq(lv); // Declare lv as formal argument a ##1 !a, lv = b ##1 !c*[0:$] ##1 c && (d == lv); endsequence sequence Seq; int Var; c ##1 SubSeq(Var) ##1 (a == Var); // Var is bound to lv endsequence
// Clock flow property P; @(posedge clk) x ##1 y |=> if (z) j |=> @(posedge clk1) k; // k is clocked at posedge clk1 else // x, y, z, j, m are clocked at posedge clk m |=> @(posedge clk2) n; // n is clocked at posedge clk2 endproperty
// Multi-clock sequences: sequence s1; @(posedge clk1) a ##1 b; // Single clock sequence endsequence sequence s2; // Multiple clock sequence @(posedge clk2) c ##1 d ## @(posedge clk1) s1; endsequence sequence s3; // Source sequence s1 evaluated on clk1; Destination // sequence s3 is evaluated at clk3 @(posedge clk3) g ##1 h ##1 s1.matched [->1] ##1 k; endsequence
$fell(burst_mode) ##0 (!burst_mode) throughout (##2((trdy==0)&&(irdy==0)) [*4]);
!sig1[*3] within (($fell sig2) ##0 !sig2[*5])
typedef enum {A, B, C, D} ABCD; ABCD Letter; $cast( Letter, 1+1); // Equivalent to Letter = ABCD'(1+1); // Check if the assignment is legal if (!$cast( Letter, 1 + 4) ) // 5: invalid cast $display("Casting Error");
$display("Illegal opcode %h in %m at %t", Opcode, $realtime); $writeh("Variable values (hex.): ", reg1,, reg2,, reg3,, reg4,"\n");
integer MessagesFile, DiagnosticsFile, AllFiles; initial begin MessagesFile = $fopen("messages.txt"); if (!MessagesFile) begin $display("Could not open \"messages.txt\""); $finish; end DiagnosticsFile = $fopen("diagnostics.txt"); if (!DiagnosticsFile) begin $display("Could not open \"diagnostics.txt\""); $finish; end AllFiles = MessagesFile | DiagnosticsFile | 1; $fdisplay(AllFiles, "Starting simulation ..."); $fdisplay(MessagesFile, "Messages from %m"); $fdisplay(DiagnosticsFile, "Diagnostics from %m"); ... $fclose(MessagesFile); $fclose(DiagnosticsFile); end
fd = $fopen ("file_name", "rb+"); // open for update (reading and writing)
parameter NumPatterns = 100; integer Pattern; reg [3:0] StimUp[1:NumPatterns]; reg [3:0] StimDown[NumPatterns:1]; $fread (StimUp, "stimulus.txt", 5); // First loaded data // is StimUp[5] then StimUp[6] $fread (StimDown, "stimulus.txt", 5); // First loaded data // is StimDown[5] then StimDown[6]
initial $monitor("%t : a = %b, f = %b", $realtime, a, f);
module Test; reg a,b,c,d; parameter NumPatterns = 100; integer Pattern; reg [3:0] Stimulus[1:NumPatterns]; MyDesign UUT (a,b,c,d,f); initial begin $readmemb("Stimulus.txt", Stimulus); Pattern = 0; repeat (NumPatterns) begin Pattern = Pattern + 1; {a,b,c,d} = Stimulus[Pattern]; #110; end end initial $monitor("%t a=%b b=%b c=%b d=%b : f=%b", $realtime, a, b, c, d, f); endmodule
$root.MyModule.U1 // Absolute name
initial begin a = 0; $display(a); // Displays 0 $strobe(a); // Displays 1 ... a = 1; // ... because of this statement
$timeformat(-10, 2, " x100ps", 20); // 20.12 x100ps
Try out an example using this feature in EDA Playground
package a_pkg; enum {INIT, START, RUNNING, STOP = 5} state; endpackage module m; import a_pkg::*; typedef logic [15:1] word_t; struct {bit s; bit [14:0] m;} arr[]; string s = $typename(word_t); word_t wdata; initial begin $display($typename(state)); $display($typename(word_t)); $display($typename(wdata)); $display($typename(arr)); $display($typename(s)); end endmodule
$unit.semi_global_sig // Compilation unit name
module Queues; parameter Queue = 1; // Q_id parameter Fifo = 1, Lifo = 2; parameter QueueMaxLen = 8; integer Status, Code, Job, Value, Info; reg IsFull; task Error; // Write error message and quit ... endtask initial begin // Create the queue $q_initialize(Queue, Lifo, QueueMaxLen, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't initialize the queue"); // Add jobs for (Job = 1; Job <= QueueMaxLen; Job = Job + 1) begin #10 Info = Job + 100; $q_add(Queue, Job, Info, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't add to the queue"); $display("Added Job %0d, Info = %0d", Job, Info); $write("Statistics: "); for ( Code = 1; Code <= 6; Code = Code + 1 ) begin $q_exam(Queue, Code, Value, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't examine the queue"); $write("%8d", Value); end $display(""); end // Queue should now be full IsFull = $q_full(Queue, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't see if queue is full"); if ( !IsFull ) Error("Queue is NOT full"); // Remove jobs repeat ( 10 ) begin #5 $q_remove(Queue, Job, Info, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't remove from the queue"); $display("Removed Job %0d, Info = %0d", Job,Info); $write("Statistics: "); for ( Code = 1; Code <= 6; Code = Code + 1 ) begin $q_exam(Queue, Code, Value, Status); if ( Status ) Error("Couldn't examine the queue"); $write("%8d", Value); end $display(""); end end endmodule
reg Err, FastClock; // Notifier variables specify specparam Tsetup = 3.5, Thold = 1.5, Trecover = 2.0, Tskew = 2.0, Tpulse = 10.5, Tspike = 0.5, Tremoval = 1.5; $hold(posedge Clk, Data, Thold); $nochange(posedge Clock, Data, 0, 0 ); $period(posedge Clk, 20, FastClock]); $recovery(posedge Clk, Rst, Trecover); $setup(Data, posedge Clk, Tsetup); $setuphold(posedge Clk &&& !Reset, Data, Tsetup, Thold, Err); $skew(posedge Clk1, posedge Clk2, Tskew); $width(negedge Clk, Tpulse, Tspike); $removal(posedge Clear, posedge Clk, Tremoval); $recovery(posedge Clear, posedge Clk, Trecover); // Equivalent to the previous two lines $recrem(posedge Clear, posedge Clk, Trecover, Tremoval); $timeskew(posedge Rst &&& Clk1, negedge Clk2, 50); $fullskew(posedge Rst &&& Clk1, negedge Clk2, 50, 70); endspecify
module Test; ... initial begin $dumpfile("results.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, Test); end // Perform periodic checkpointing of the design. initial forever #10000 $dumpall; endmodule