Let's turn our attention from re-usable code snippets to the coding of re-usable functions. We'll extend our parity process into a packaged function.
Remember that the parity generator was essentially coded as a for loop.
for i in a'RANGE loop y := y xor a(i); end loop;
This code can serve as the core of a parity function. The function will be expected to allow parity generators of arbitrary size to be implemented. In VHDL, arbitrarily-sized inputs to the parity function are supported by unconstrained array parameters. In use, the function may be called like this:
-- in the same architecture, a and b are std_logic_vector objects p_out <= parity ("01101001"); -- a little odd, perhaps! process ... y := parity (a); -- a is 9 bits ... end process; -- b is 32 bits p_32 <= parity (b);
In these three cases, the same function, parity, is being called, but in each case the width of the std_logic_vector passed to parity is different. The input parameter will need to be an unconstrained array.
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- analyze into library IO_processor package bus_functions is -- other subprogram declarations... function parity (a: std_logic_vector) -- unconstrained array return std_logic; end bus_functions; package body bus_functions is -- other subprogram bodies... function parity (a: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable y : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in a'RANGE loop y := y xor a(i); end loop; return y; end parity; end bus_functions;
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